
English is a finicky language (not very original). For unsuspecting users like me, it just pounces on you when most unaware and take you by the head. In the end, it mini-doomsday for you.

The word ILLUSTRATIONS brings to my mind what happen to me when i was a young lad. Being very fond of comics, i always catch hold of books with the word illustrations in them. Most of the time I'm not disappointed, it always have wonderful art by cartoonist and artist which are like manna for a comics starved soul. Then, d-day arrived.

My uncle published a new book-English Mizo Dictionary with illustrations. My joy knew no is s new book to satisfy my picture addiction. But then, even Rome fell. The illustrations were not pictures, rather, they were illustrations on how to use the words in sentences. Huh!!! SO much for the word.

That day led me not to judge a book by the cover (again, not very original) and also at the same time showed me the vagaries of words and IILUSTRATE what they are, just words.

1 Response to "Illustrations!"

  1. Sao Tunyi Says:
