Death Be Not Proud (beta version 1.0)

DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee,
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee doe goe,
Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie.
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell,
And poppie, or charmes can make us sleepe as well,
And better then thy stroake; why swell'st thou then;
One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.

So goes the poem by John Donne.

Life seems very funny sometimes. Looking at the words of God, we are all dust, destined to return to dust. Yet we are created in His image. This contradiction in nature is what makes life interesting and baffles us at the same time. So, what exactly is life and death? What do they mean to us human beings?

This question has been pondered upon by wise and not so wise men. A finite mind can only think of a finite thing. It seems to be beyond human understanding and comprehension.So, why what and how...Its human nature to try to understand what is happening to the world around us and us (especially ladies). Me as i type these lines and you, as you read the. Why??? Well i'm not trying to answer it and i want you to ponder on it. For me, it makes me realize how precious life is, and while we are squandering it sleeping and all.

But, to end this disjunct ramblings, i look at the poem above and hope is there. Death is not death to the world, death to everything. Rather, it is the way to eternal splendour. Death will die someday...

3 Response to "Death Be Not Proud (beta version 1.0)"

  1. Helen Pari Says:

    I like ya blog, its refreshingly thoughtful in a way. keep posting.

  2. EPISTEMOLOGY Says: ilo va nei tha ve..lo visit thin tur nih hi..! hostel chhungah chauh emaw discourse thin ka tia..helamah pawh...:)

  3. Zara Says:

    Nia...han ti ve lawih lawih nih hi. A blog enkawl peih deuh ho chu in zahawm hle mai...